ℹ️DAO Guidelines


The following are a set of guidelines pertaining to proposal creations. Please try and follow the guidelines to the best of your abilities. If you are confused or need help, ask a board advisory member for help drafting a proposal.

  • Proposals will be related to MAYC / BAKC/ $APE ecosystem acquisitions.

  • Proposal authors must use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.

  • Proposals must be executable at the end of voting.

  • No proposals for items that exceed the DAO's budget at the time of proposing.

  • Acquisitions within the $APE ecosystem only.

Disclaimer: These rules and guidelines can be adjusted anytime to help sustain a health DAO environment.

Proposal Setup


Create a proposal on Snapshot: <link>


<BUY or SELL> <COST> <TITLE> Example: (BUY)(8-18Eth) Acquire 2“ Mutant Ape Yacht club” (edited)

Last updated